Nutrition beyond food & numbers.

Mea stands for Mind, Energy, Awareness; a concept that seeks to intersect nutrition with the complexities of the mind and body. At Mea, we believe the state of your mental health and well-being begins with what you consume: whether it be food, relationships, thoughts, and beliefs. That’s why we go beyond just macros and calories, putting into practice principles of functional medicine, which takes a holistic, root cause approach to healing.

Meet the founder

Embarking on the journey of Mea Nutrition wasn't a mere decision; it was a conscious choice to escape the shadows of a lifeless existence—one I've personally grappled with and one I refuse to see others endure. My time in the military exposed me to the brutal toll of chronic stress, anxiety, depression, PTSD, and suicide among my comrades. Motivated by this stark reality, I've dedicated myself to a mission: to guide not only myself but also those around me in rediscovering the zest for a rich and vibrant life. The inevitability of death looms over us all, but in the precious moments we're granted on this earth, let's seize the opportunity to truly feel alive.

— Isa Kujawski MPH, RDN, founder

Our Mission

To feed the will to live; to help chronically stressed professionals reclaim their vibrancy and authenticity by using food & thoughts as medicine to optimize mind, body, and energy — and ultimately, create a new reality.

Our Proprietary Mind-Body Nutrition Framework takes a holistic approach to health.

When you work with us, you embark on a holistic journey of healing and self-mastery. Browse each of our pillars to gain a better understanding of our approach.

  • The mind-body connection is the intricate link between your thoughts and emotions (mind) and your body.

    It means that the well-being of your mind affects your body, and vice versa.

    Understanding this connection is key because 95% of our thinking happens subconsciously.

    When you grasp this, you gain self-awareness and can take control of your life and behaviors.

    At Mea, we teach you how to use your mind-body connection to make lasting changes in your nutrition and lifestyle.

    Key elements of this connection include regulating your nervous system, shaping your identity, believing in healing, adopting a growth mindset, and tuning into your body's signals (interoception).

  • Food serves as medicine, nurturing your cells and optimizing your brain, body, and energy.

    At Mea, we simplify nutrition by emphasizing key subpillars, including anti-inflammatory nutrition, gut/brain health, preventing deficiencies, and maintaining optimal blood-sugar balance.

    Our goal is to remove the confusion around what to eat and how, guiding you toward a transformative journey to a revitalized version of yourself.

  • What enters must exit. Similar to a car's exhaust system, your body undergoes a perpetual detoxification cycle—physically and emotionally.

    The lymphatic system, liver, kidneys, and digestive tract tirelessly eliminate foreign invaders and harmful waste, ensuring your body functions optimally.

    Mea guides you in optimizing drainage and detoxification.

    Additionally, we assist in establishing robust boundaries to safeguard your well-being, preventing toxic thoughts and relationships from hindering your path to optimal health.