The Gut/Brain Reset

Therapy without an optimized gut & brain is like building a house without a solid foundation. Our holistic 90-day coaching program teaches you the fundamentals of mental health nutrition so you can feed your brain the food & thoughts it needs to thrive.

Learn what to eat to and what supplements to take to maintain a health brain, and optimize your physical and mental health.

Learn the art of self-awareness, mindfulness, and mind-body connection so you can control your mind instead of having it control you.

Detoxify yourself from inflammation, self-limiting beliefs, and toxic relationships so you can recreate yourself and become the new and improved version of you.

How it works

Step 1— Application: Apply here and schedule a free consult with a member of our team to assess whether you are a good for for the program. We will also answer any questions and discuss pricing options.

Step 2— Onboarding: Once enrolled, you will get on a 60-90 minute 1:1 call with a practitioner to deep dive into your goals, challenges, and health history. You will also have the option of having specialized nutrition and gut health lab testing ordered at this time so we can troubleshoot your unique deficiencies and imbalances during the program.

Step 3— Implementation & support: You will receive access to our library of resources to guide and educate you step by step through our three pillars (see below). Weekly calls and chat in between will ensure you are held accountable and have the support you need to get results.

Our Proprietary Mind-Body Nutrition Framework takes a holistic approach to health.

When you work with us, you embark on a holistic journey of healing and self-mastery. Browse each of our pillars to gain a better understanding of our approach.

  • The mind-body connection is the intricate link between your thoughts and emotions (mind) and your body.

    It means that the well-being of your mind affects your body, and vice versa.

    Understanding this connection is key because 95% of our thinking happens subconsciously.

    When you grasp this, you gain self-awareness and can take control of your life and behaviors.

    At Mea, we teach you how to use your mind-body connection to make lasting changes in your nutrition and lifestyle.

    Key elements of this connection include regulating your nervous system, shaping your identity, believing in healing, adopting a growth mindset, and tuning into your body's signals (interoception).

  • Food serves as medicine, nurturing your cells and optimizing your brain, body, and energy.

    At Mea, we simplify nutrition by emphasizing key subpillars, including anti-inflammatory nutrition, gut/brain health, preventing deficiencies, and maintaining optimal blood-sugar balance.

    Our goal is to remove the confusion around what to eat and how, guiding you toward a transformative journey to a revitalized version of yourself.

  • What enters must exit. Similar to a car's exhaust system, your body undergoes a perpetual detoxification cycle—physically and emotionally.

    The lymphatic system, liver, kidneys, and digestive tract tirelessly eliminate foreign invaders and harmful waste, ensuring your body functions optimally.

    Mea guides you in optimizing drainage and detoxification.

    Additionally, we assist in establishing robust boundaries to safeguard your well-being, preventing toxic thoughts and relationships from hindering your path to optimal health.


We are a boutique functional nutrition practice that helps professionals revitalize their minds + bodies so they can look good, feel young, perform well, and create a new reality.

The Gut/Brain Reset Can Help With:

Weight issues
Chronic inflammation
Hormonal imbalances
Blood sugar imbalances

Gut issues
Brain fog
Disordered eating